Twenty-five years of the founding of our Viet Toc Foundation marks the blessings of the vocation to serve the Tribal people in 30 regions of the five provinces of Vietnam. We provide clean water, medicine (especially for the leper colonies), food, and homes; we help build chapels. Most especially, we provide education by way of scholarships so younger generations can stand on their own two feet, and able to give back.
“Come and Pray” Weekend September 8-9-10 Ephrata, Pa. St. Clement Mission House and St. Peter the Apostle Church/Shrine of St. John Neumann, C.Ss.R., Philadelphia, Pa.
A joyful noise was raised to the heavens when four women renewed the commitment as Redemptoristine Associates on September 10, 2023. This happened at the celebration of the Eucharist presided over by Fr. Provincial John Collins, C.Ss.R.
Reflection on the invaluable spiritual legacy that St. Alphonsus bestowed to both our Congregation and the Church is necessary to authentically revitalize our Congregation and enhance the spiritual growth of every individual engaged in our missionary endeavors.
Happy September and welcome back to the Baltimore Beacon after our annual August hiatus! I hope that summer afforded you time for rest, relaxation, and recreation, along with opportunities to enjoy the company of family and friends in some of summers’ great venues: the family vacation, a day at the beach, the ballpark, the golf course, the big cookout, or maybe even the clambake!