Redemptorist life has never been possible without the support and encouragement of lay people - associates, benefactors and friends. As we Redemptorists have touched and changed the life of the Church, so we have been touched and changed by the people with whom and among whom we have been called to minister. In every place and at every stage of our history, we have looked for ways of joining with lay women and men in mission to more effectively proclaim the good news of plentiful redemption to those who most need to hear it. On Sunday, September 22nd, at the 9:00 Eucharist, 17 parishioners from Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH), Boston’s Partners in Mission (PIM) group, were formally enrolled as Redemptorist Associates, each receiving a Redemptorist cross to acknowledge their formal membership in our Redemptorist family. Province Co-Coordinator Father Francis Gargani, C.Ss.R. presided and preached a stirring homily with our Province lay Co-Coordinator Ms. Lucy Burich McNamara also joining the community on this wonderful day and adding her always supportive presence. Concelebrants, pastor Father Phil Dabney and Father Jim Wallace, along with a sizable community of over 200 parishioners and visitors to the parish, joined in the joy of the celebration.
Boston OLPH PIM began under the leadership of Father Anthony Michalik in 2021, continued with Father Thomas Travers, and is currently facilitated by Father James Wallace since October 2023. PIM is certainly a blessing for the parish, and we look forward to what lies ahead through their participation in the Redemptorist mission here. †