Our Lenten journey should draw us all to a deeper inward reflection regarding our relationship with God, with one another, and with our very self. That journey inward leads us to greater intimacy with Christ, which always leads us outward to authentic, loving discipleship.
Our readings for today, however, seem to encourage us to linger perhaps a bit longer on a solitary path—alone with God. They remind us that the Lenten journey takes place within the reality of the personal human journey of life.
In our first reading Isaiah captures the truth of life’s many challenges. He speaks of God’s enduring and loving presence, always calling us out of our personal darkness, bringing comfort and mercy in our hour of need, and reminding us that even though we sometimes feel as though God has forsaken us, the truth is, God is always tenderly embracing us and telling us, “I will never forget you!”
That promise is fulfilled in Jesus Christ, who calls us to believe that he is the living face of God—God’s love in human flesh who has come to walk intimately with each of us on our journey of life. May we continue our Lenten journey, then, believing in his tender, comforting, merciful, and very personal love.
Father Anthony Michalik, C.Ss.R.
Scripture readings for today: Isaiah 49:8-15; Psalm 145; John 5:17-30