The Redemptorists of the Holy Redeemer Provincial Residence in Washington, DC, hosted a retreat for the staff who work in the Residence’s offices and facilities.
The morning-long retreat kicked off with pastries and coffee in the dining room, where conversations flowed and anticipation for the morning ahead built. After breakfast, the group of nine staff retreatants and six Redemptorists moved to the chapel to begin the morning of reflection and discussion.
With the Christmas season coming to a close, each participant was given time to reflect on the “gifts of the season” that have remained in their mind and soul as the new year began and life returns to normal after the holidays. To begin this section, Father John Collins shared a beautiful story about his late brother, Brian, that happened over Christmas. Brian was a great lover of hockey, Boston College hockey in particular. Someone had left a BC hockey puck at Brian’s grave. Fr. John presumed it was a family member. It wast not. Someone had left a gift at Brian’s grave, someone who clearly experienced Brian as a gift to them in their life. His willingness to share a deeply personal story helped everyone open up throughout the morning. Small group discussions allowed everyone to share openly, before the whole group reconvened allowing anyone willing to share a chance to do so with everyone.
2025 is a jubilee year in the church, with the theme “Pilgrims of Hope.” A key symbolic event of a holy year is the opening of the Holy Doors at St. Peter’s Basilica and other great basilicas around the world. The gesture invites us to walk through the Holy Doors and to walk in holiness of life. The retreatants were asked to think deeply about closed doors in their life that they could reopen and acts of kindness that they could pay forward to others. Sharing in small groups followed by a large group discussion allowed retreatants to begin the process of opening closed doors.
The day ended with a quiet and prayful candle ceremony. Each participant received a candle as a gift. Father John Collins and Father Francis Gargani led the group in “A Litany of Being God’s Instrument of Goodness.” This was followed by a closing prayer and the entire group singing “This Little Light of Mine” together as one community.
Afterwards, everyone reconvened in the dining room where a delicious lunch was served, stories were told, and relationships, old and new, were strengthened.
The half-day retreat was a special experience for everyone involved. It provided an open and safe space to be vulnerable, while allowing everyone a chance to take a step back from the busy first week of January and reflect on the Christmas season, the previous year, and the future ahead of them.
Thank you to Father John Collins and Father Francis Gargani for planning and leading such a special retreat for the staff here in DC!