The Baltimore Beacon was lucky enough to take a trip up to San Alfonso and observe the Baltimore Province 2024 Convocation in person. It was a way for me, a lay person and communications specialist for the Baltimore Province, to meet the people that I constantly pepper with emails and work with to post audio and video reflections on the internet.
Every single Redemptorist from the Baltimore Province capable of making the trip for the 2024 Convocation was there. The three-day meeting took place along the Jersey Shore at the San Alfonso Retreat House in Long Branch, New Jersey. The theme of the Convocation was “Behold, I am (still!) doing something new’ (Isaiah 43:19). This theme was very applicable for the event as one of the biggest and most important issues discussed during the meeting was the upcoming merging of the Baltimore, Denver, and Mexico Provinces, and the Extra-Patriam Vice-Province.
Each day began with morning prayer in San Alfonso’s beautiful chapel. It was a quiet time to reflect and prepare for the day ahead. Prayer was immediately followed by breakfast, and then the day began in earnest. The workday was split into four sessions, ranging in time from one hour to an hour and a half. The sessions consisted of lectures, presentations, Q&As, breakout groups, and brainstorming sessions. After a long day of work, all the Redemptorists made their way back to the chapel for Eucharist. These were long but fruitful days. The conversations were productive, and the debate was enlightening. No matter what happened in the sessions, the evening Eucharist followed by dinner brought everyone together.
The Beacon arrived at San Alfonso on Tuesday afternoon as the first day of sessions adjourned for the day. The Redemptorists were just beginning Mass in the Retreat House chapel. Not wanting to interrupt, I was able to take that time to settle into my room on the east wing then go for a walk along the shore. It is hard to imagine a more peaceful place. The cold autumn winds blowing off the Atlantic and the empty white sandy beaches of the offseason really made it feel like a spiritual place.
I made it back to the Retreat House right as Mass ended and everyone was gathering in the cafeteria for drinks before dinner. It’s hard to put into words what the room was like. Generations of Redemptorist priests, brothers, and lay missionaries, all together and sharing stories, reminiscing, and cracking good-natured jokes at each other’s expense. The atmosphere was absorbing to say the least, because having almost everyone together in one room is not a regular occurrence. The building of camaraderie and the reconnections that it facilitates is what make the convocation so important.
After dinner, Father John Collins, C.Ss.R., Provincial of the Baltimore Province, honored this year’s jubilarians with gifts, and then they served cake for everyone. Then just like that the day was over. Many went off to bed, but those who didn’t stuck around and chatted. I was able to take this time to meet a lot of Redemptorists that I have only corresponded with over email or telephone. It was so helpful and enjoyable being able not only to put faces to names, but to learn about their diverse personalities, too.
The next day, after chatting with some folks and being fortunate enough to see a pod of whales swim by the Retreat House, I observed the ongoing sessions while taking photos and video. And, in what seemed like an instant, my brief time at the convocation was over and I had to make my way back to Washington, D.C.
To say that this experience was helpful to my work for the Baltimore Province is an understatement. Meeting all these wonderful people and getting a chance to begin to know them on a more personal level really put this work that I do into perspective. I can’t thank everyone enough for having me there and being so welcoming. Not that I expected anything different... we are talking about Redemptorists! †