The end of October brings with it the anticipation of the two great feasts of All Saints Day on November 1 and All Souls Day on November 2. The solemnity of All Saints invites us to gratefully remember and to joyfully celebrate all the “officially” canonized saints of the Church, along with all the dear saints canonized in our hearts, who have gone before us into the glory of heaven.
Religion News Service published an article on July 17, 2024, addressing the housing crisis in Brazil
and featuring the work of our Redemptorist confrere, Fr. Joaquim Parron. We offer here a summary of that article.
I find myself full of gratitude for the gift of my life and ministry as a Redemptorist priest. My gratitude and my experience of blessing within my Redemptorist life has everything to do with God, with our community, and with all God’s people.
Happy Feast Day of Our Mother of Perpetual Help to all! As the entire Redemptorist family gives thanks to God for the gift of Mary on this special day, let us be ever grateful for the blessing of her unfailing trust in the promises of God and for her loving and powerful intercession on our behalf.
A commitment to listening and to life-long learning would, I believe, go a long way to breaking the back of the fear, suspicion, division, and discord that is draining our hope, depleting our spirit, and shutting us down. Listening and life-long learning help to create bridges of understanding, collaboration, creativity, and freedom to meet both the challenges and opportunities of our times.